Memberships n ow due for 2025

Prices held for 2025!

Live music is back on with open mic nights on the second Friday of each month

We would politely remind everyone to keep social distancing in mind and stick to the rules given by the government and the local authority at the time.

For further details please speak to a member of staff or email

We offer a selection of local beers, ciders and wines and are open until midnight on Friday

Our open mic nights are back on once a month with our meat raffles to be held from 9pm

Thursday 6th March - Bingo eyes down from 7.45pm
Friday 7th March - Karaoke from 8pm
Friday 14th March - Open Mic Night from 8.30pm
Thursday 3rd April - Bingo eyes down from 7.45pm
Wednesday 9th April -  Messy Church 
Friday 11th April - Open Mic Night from 8.30pm
Thursday 1st May - Bingo eye down from 7.45pm
Friday 9th May- Open Mic Night from 8.30pm
Saturday 10th May - Church BBQ with Music 
Wednesday 28th May - Messy Church
Thursday 12th June - Bingo eyes down from 7.45pm
Friday 13th June - Open Mic Night from 8.30pm
Friday 10th October - Open Mic Night from 8.30pm
Saturday 18th October  - Church Entertainment
Friday 14th November - Open Mic Night from 8.30pm
Friday 12th December - Open Mic Night from 8.30pm
Monday 18th December - Christmas raffle from 9pm
Wednesday 31st December - New Years Eve Disco with a late license til 1am

All events are open to members and non-members
We still have some dates available for 2024 and are now taking bookings for 2025
For all events please drop us a message or give us a call

Daytime Events

Musical Friends 

They use our venue every  Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 10am - 11.20am.
For more details please contact Debbie at

Baby Sensory Group 
Please follow there Facebook page for further updates

They use our venue every Monday morning from 9.40am - 2.30pm
More details can be found on their website

Messy Church
They use us during half terms .  For more details please follow there Facebook page.

Open Mic Night

The 2nd Friday of the month we hold an open mic night.  It's free entry for members and non-members and starts at 8.30pm til late with a meat raffle to be held from 9pm
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